Sunday 7th April 2024 Taneatua Charity, Taneatua Squash Club, Sisam’s Farm, 449 Fosters Road, Taneatua.
From Rotorua, go to Awakeri, then right into White Pine Bush Road (SH2) towards Taneatua, Come to Road / Rail bridge then turn right into Fosters Road follow arrows to site.
From Tauranga, come over the Whakatane bridge towards town, turn right at Firestation and follow road out towards Taneatua, turn right into White Pine Bush Road by the Squash Club, when you come over road / rail bridge turn left into Fosters road, follow arrows to site.
Check out details on Facebook (and like us to get any updates / cancellations), send us your email address so we can add you to the trail ride database. Details also on: www.silverbullet.co.nz.
Charity Fundraising Trail rides, organised and promoted by Underwood & Wilkins Motorcycles as non competitive Family Fun for all ages and abilities. All profits go to the designated charity.
All events cater for:
· The little ones on mini 2 wheelers in a smaller paddock – Parental supervision is required.
· Absolute beginners and first time riders on a small easy track, generally 3-5 km long.
· Experienced and not so experienced riders on the big track, generally 20-30km long, not too hard with easy option splits. Suitable for 2 Wheelers, (no pillions or ATV’s / SXS’s. sorry).
· Helmets and sensible riding clothing compulsory. No gumboots.
· Good food and drinks at reasonable prices at venue.
SIGN ON FROM 8.30, COMPULSORY MASS BRIEFING AT 9.45, RIDES START AT 10.00am. Tracks generally close between 2.30 & 3.00pm.
Fees: (Cash only – sorry No Eftpos)
$45.00 Senior,
$25.00 High School,
$15.00 Primary age and Younger:
$100.00 Family (Max of 4 – 2 adults and 2 kids or 1 adult and 3 kids etc)
To Contact us: e-mail: admin@underwoodandwilkins.co.nz
Phone Business 07-308-6166 (business hours),
Phone: John Cell 0274-754-282 or Karen 0274-521-077
‘’ These rides are all about non racing family fun”. Come and join the fun, we look forward to seeing you there.
Weather Check – Check our Facebook Page (7am) and If in doubt listen to 1XX (90.5 FM) for cancellations or phone station on 07-306-1242